The entire Summer has come and gone and now we prepare to Fall up the stairs. Wishcraft is expanding to include the top floor of our building as new space for our after-school program (aka Crafter-School) that has grown 500% since last year. As we paint the walls, lay new flooring and design the space, it brings back not-so-distant memories of preparing the original workshop space just a little over 1.5 years ago. For that project we allowed ourselves approximately 5 weeks from idea to launch. This time the idea has had plenty of time to percolate, and hence plenty of time to generate jitters, and even less time to execute. School for our after-school students begins in 8 days. We started painting 5 days ago. It's a family-affair, and what a cooperative and supportive family we have. The colors are cheery, the music is festive and amazing progress has been made. We have a big room for (home)work and play, a kitchen (hurray!) and a reading room with a wall of windows looking out into the treetops. What a fabulous tree-house surprise we have for our students from last year.
A woman peeked in our windows a few days ago, and was surprised to find my happy face peeking right back. I invited her in and we spoke for a few moments as she described the painting service that she has started. It was fun to talk to another mom-preneur who was as excited about what we are doing as she was to tell us about her work. It's seems so easy to sell a service that you believe in with all of your being. It never feels forced to share details about a project that resonates so easily with the mission of your human-endeavor. And to my surprise, it just might not be that hard to fall up the stairs*.
*Yes, a few of you have actually seen me do this before in my rush to get somewhere. I promise, I've become more thoughtful and present and have slowed down quite a bit.
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